• Question: Are there any advantages of being a scientist?

    Asked by sadia12345 to Ivan, James, Jessica, Nicola, Sarah on 14 Nov 2013.
    • Photo: Sarah Tesh

      Sarah Tesh answered on 14 Nov 2013:

      It relates a lot to everyday life – there are things in the news and stuff that will come up at home that’ll you just understand that bit more because of the things you know as a scientist. It comes in very useful!

      It’s also a good area to have a job in – there will always be jobs in science because it’s always growing and there’s always new things to find out. 🙂

    • Photo: Jessica Liley

      Jessica Liley answered on 14 Nov 2013:

      There are loads of advantages, and that’s why so many people do it!

      – Your job is changing all the time, so you don’t end up doing just one thing for ages, so it’s always fun.
      – You get to travel over the world talking about your research to really interesting scientists that you respect
      – You are learning all the time, even the best scientists don’t know everything yet! So there is always more to be taught 🙂
      – The best thing is finding out more about the world around you, because science is absolutely everywhere!

    • Photo: Nicola Potts

      Nicola Potts answered on 15 Nov 2013:

      I would agree with what Sarah and Jessica have said.

      I would also add a disadvantage – you will end up watching science films alone as you correct the mistakes all the time :/
