• Question: How do you manage to remember all the facts about your topic? Like when revising and stuff x

    Asked by kjxxxxxxxxxx to Jessica, Sarah on 22 Nov 2013.
    • Photo: Sarah Tesh

      Sarah Tesh answered on 22 Nov 2013:

      Over the years of many exams I developed a revision technique that worked well for me. I’d start by reading through my notes, highlighting etc, a good month or more before my exam (usually that much time because I had to cover so many topics). Whilst I was doing that I’d write a list of important equations as I came across them in the notes. Next, I’d go through worksheets and previous exam papers getting used to the style of question but also testing myself (although at first the answer sheet does come in handy). I’d also start testing myself on equations (not all because some on the formula sheets), like a vocabulary test. And then finally, do an intense read through the day before, testing myself and reminding myself about key bits. I have to admit though that after the exam is over the details do tend to leave my brain, but you tend to find you just have to read a paragraph to remember it again.

      Nowadays I remember stuff to do with my work because it’s drilled into my brain after working on it everyday for two years. But remembering every single detail isn’t so necessary – that’s what lab books, text books etc are for.

      It really comes down to personal choice though. Some people learn by writing things down or reading or diagrams or listening or repetition. You just have to try a few techniques to perfect it.
